Investment performance

Sustained Solid Performance: legalsuper’s Investment Update for 2023/24

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Sustained Solid Performance: legalsuper’s Investment Update for 2023/24

We are pleased to share that legalsuper’s MySuper Balanced option*, where the majority of our members are invested, delivered a solid return of 8.02% for the year ending 30 June 2024. This performance continues our strong track record of exceeding legalsuper’s investment performance goal of CPI +3% over the past 10 years.

Over the last three years, our MySuper option has achieved an annual average return of 4.9%—outperforming the SuperRatings1 All Fund median annual average of 4.6% by 0.3%. This result is especially noteworthy given the highly volatile investment market conditions during this period.

Our MySuper option’s performance for the 2023/24 financial year also continues our trend of outperforming the SuperRatings median over the past 3, 5, and 10 years. This demonstrates our ongoing commitment to delivering solid, sustainable, and long-term investment returns for our members.

For those members who have chosen to invest outside of our MySuper option, we are pleased to report strong returns across several of our other investment options:

  • Australian Shares option: 8.92% annual return
  • Growth option: 9.32% annual return
  • High Growth option: 10.77% annual return
  • Overseas Shares option: 15.89% annual return

Strong Pension Performance

Our commitment to strong investment performance extends to our pension members as well. legalsuper’s Balanced option, where most of our pension members are invested, recorded a return of 9.28% for the year ending 30 June 2024. This result comes despite a challenging investment environment marked by ongoing geopolitical crises, escalating inflation, and sustained domestic and international interest rate rises.

At legalsuper, we remain dedicated to helping our members achieve their financial goals through consistent and sustainable investment performance.

This information is of a general nature. Please refer to the legalsuper PDS & TMD available at before making any decision. Past performance is not a guide to future performance.

1 SuperRatings is an independent research provider for the super industry which issues a survey of the performance of ‘Balanced’ investment options based on criteria formulated by SuperRatings.
*MySuper Balanced return to 30/06/2024 (is rounded to two decimal places), net of tax and all fees except the $1.30 Administration fee. Past performance is not a guide to future performance. Figures are related to period ending 30 June 2024.’