Return target
The return target is currently 3% p.a. above inflation, after fees and taxes, over rolling 10-year periods. Future returns are not guaranteed.
The compounded net return over ten years to 30 June 2024 is 6.97% p.a.
Level of investment risk
Medium to high. The probability of this option earning a negative return is approximately every 3 to less than 4 years out of every 20 years. The higher the expected return target, the more often you would expect a year of negative returns.
Statement of fees and other costs
Fees and other costs for a member with a $50,000 balance: $590.79 per year as at 30 November 2024.
The return is the investment return of a representative member net of administration and investment fees, costs and taxes. A representative member is one who is fully invested in the MySuper Balanced option and maintains a balance of $50,000 throughout each year with no contributions received.
The return target is the expected return above inflation (after fees and costs) over a ten-year period.
This is the level of investment risk for the MySuper Balanced option using the Standard Risk Measure that applies to risk descriptions that range from very low to very high.
Based on a member with a $50,000 balance in the MySuper Balanced option, the fees and other costs include the investment fee, administration fee and other indirect costs incurred in either investing the portfolio or administering the account. In calculating the portfolio returns shown in the table, these fees and other costs have been deducted. These fees do not include activity fees or insurance fees that a member may choose to incur. The fees and costs shown may change.
From 1 July 2021, the fees and other costs include the Administration fees and costs, Investment fees and costs, and Transaction costs which are all explained in the legalsuper Product Disclosure Statement.
The returns displayed above are rounded to two decimal places. The information in this MySuper product dashboard is specific to legalsuper. It does not take into account your objectives, financial situation, or needs. You should consider your own financial position, objectives, and requirements, and obtain and read the legalsuper Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) before making any decision based on anything included on this website. The PDS can be obtained here or by contacting us. Past performance is not a guide to future performance.