Transition to Retirement

Transition to Retirement (TTR) allows those who have reached preservation age to access some of their super while still working. This means receiving regular payments from super while keeping the balance of funds invested. After turning 60, it's tax-free. You can use your TTR income payments to top up your take-home pay, so you can work less or save more for retirement.

A senior couple is making funny faces while taking a photo for their loved ones.
Smiling man sitting outside

Understanding TTR accounts and strategies

A Transition to Retirement (TTR) strategy involves two key components: your regular super account and a TTR account. Whilst continuing to grow your super via your regular super account, you can draw down regular payments (up to 10%) from your TTR account and balance. This approach offers flexibility as you near retirement, allowing you to save more for retirement or reduce work hours while maintaining your income level and topping up your take home pay.

TTR pension features

This is suitable for those who are still working, have reached their preservation age and want to save tax while growing their super or supplement their income by accessing their super savings (up to 10% of the TTR account balance per financial year).

Minimum investment amount


Payment frequency

Twice monthly, monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or yearly.

Payment amount

You can choose an income between your minimum and maximum limits.

Investment options

There are 11 investment options available, including our Direct Investment option.

Lump sum withdrawals

You cannot have partial or full lump sum withdrawals from a TTR account. You can only receive pension payments up to your maximum limit.

Account closure

You can roll back your TTR account in to your regular super account at any time. You are not locked in to a TTR account for any defined term.

Pros and cons of a TTR strategy

Tax advantages:  For individuals over 60, income payments from the TTR account are generally tax-free. 

Flexibility:  Use the strategy to work less without sacrificing income or save more by supplementing your salary. 

Growth:  Continue growing your super savings due to ongoing contributions and investment returns.

Complexity:  Setting up and managing a TTR strategy can be complex. It's only suitable for some. 

Restrictions:  Once a TTR account is established, you cannot contribute further; you can only contribute to your super account. 

Tax implications:  Understanding the tax implications and making the most of the strategy requires careful planning. 

Plan carefully You should consider your income needs, tax implications, and retirement goals before initiating a TTR strategy. 


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