Why choose us?
By joining today, you'll have immediate access to a financial partner for life. One who knows super as well as you know law. The many benefits include:
- Strong, consistent performance
- Competitive fees & costs
- Dedicated Client Service team
- Customised, award winning default insurance
- Comprehensive legal knowledge, Industry fund member-first focus, Professional and well-being development

To join online, you'll need:
- Your personal details such as
- full name
- phone
- address
- Tax File Number if it's handy (you can always add that later once you're on the MemberAccess online portal).
Once you have joined, you'll enjoy full access to our MemberAccess online portal and you can download our mobile app. Use them to view & manage your details, contributions, investments & insurance details of your account.

Considerations before switching
Before transferring to legalsuper, consider:
- Check for any fees or taxes from your current fund.
- If self-employed, finalise tax deductions before consolidation.
- Review benefits such as insurance coverage in your existing fund.

Joining has never been easier
We are the only designated fund for legal professionals. Join now in under 5 minutes.
Join now