Manage your super anywhere, anytime with MemberAccess and our mobile app
For legal professionals, time is a currency easily spent on the day-to-day demands of a busy career. That's why managing super should be easy and convenient. Our MemberAccess and mobile app are secure online portals that give you straightforward and convenient access to your super account. They help you understand how your super is performing, see what fees you're paying, and put you more in control of your investment. Use them to stay in control of your account with minimal fuss.

MemberAccess: your secure online portal
MemberAccess is a secure online portal that streamlines the management of your super. With new features like multi-factor authentication, your super details are safer than ever. Resetting your password is also a breeze, with no need for traditional security questions. A fully responsive design ensures easy navigation, while a sleek and modern look provides quick access to essential information.
With MemberAccess or the mobile app you can easily:
- Manage investment options, insurance, and personal details
- Check account balances and fees across all accounts
- View transactions and correspondence
- Track how your super is performing
- Consolidate super accounts
- Access annual statements
- Top up any regular contributions

Our mobile app: your super on the go
Our mobile app is another secure way to manage your super anytime, anywhere. Use your phone or mobile device to access all the same features and security standards as MemberAccess. If you are at home or on the move, you can now easily control your super with just a few taps.
How to update your personal details
To update your postal or email address, your phone number or your occupation, please login to MemberAccess. If you have not logged in before, you will need to register first. This only takes a few moments and then you can update your details directly.
Alternatively complete the relevant 'change details' form and return it to legalsuper, Locked Bag 5081, Parramatta, NSW 2124
Changing your name or date of birth
If you wish to change your name, you must complete the relevant 'change details' form. You must return a hard copy of the relevant form to legalsuper along with any required evidence and certified information. Download the form that is relevant to you. Please note you only need to complete the applicable parts of the form.
If you have changed your name, you will need to prove the link between your old name and your new name. You will also need to provide:
- a completed change of details form;
- a certified linking document; and
- certified ID (see the guide below).
A linking document can be:
- marriage certificate;
- deed poll; or
- change of name certificate from the Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Office.
If the date of birth or name that is recorded in your personal details with legalsuper is incorrect, this will need to be updated to reflect your true date of birth.
You will need to provide:
- a completed changed of details form; and
- certified ID (see the guide below).
If you need to prove your identity to legalsuper, you will need to submit one or two forms of acceptable proof of identity. You must provide certified copies of your original documents.
One of the following documents:
a. driver’s licence issued under State or Territory law; or
b. passport.
One of the following:
c. birth certificate or birth extract; or
d. citizenship certificate issued by the Commonwealth; or
e. pension card issued by Centrelink that entitles the person to financial benefits;
And one of the following:
f. letter from Centrelink regarding a Government assistance payment; or
g. notice issued by Commonwealth, State or Territory Government or local council within the past twelve months that contains your name and residential address; or
h. a bank statement or utility notice with your current mailing address.
A certified document means a document that has been certified as a ‘true copy’ of an original document by one of the following:
- Barrister or solicitor
- Branch manager of a bank
- Councillor of a municipality
- Financial planner
- Justice of the Peace
- Medical, dental or veterinary practitioner
- Minister of religion
- Pharmacist
- Police officer
- Qualified accountant
- Teacher
The certification should be dated and include the full name, address and type of authority (from the above list) of the person certifying. The document bearing the certifying signature must be received by legalsuper. Although they may be qualifying members of the legal profession, members (as well as their family members) cannot certify their own ID.
If you are signing on behalf of another person you’ll need one of these:
- Guardianship papers; or
- Power of Attorney.