It's your super. The more you know, the more it grows
Superannuation, or 'super,' isn't just a financial product, it's a lifelong commitment to the security of your life as you start to slow down or stop working altogether. By understanding how it works, you can define your retirement needs and, in the process, speed up your super savings.
We're here to help every step of the way with information and general advice in relation to your superannuation along with support in managing one of life's most significant financial undertakings.
Why choose legalsuper?
Since 1989, we've provided tailored superannuation solutions for the legal community. We have a track record of delivering strong returns to our members. We're not just an industry fund, we're a lifelong financial partner dedicated to our members well-being, professional development, and the long-term growth of their super.
Why consolidate super accounts?
If you've worked multiple jobs in varying industries, you might have multiple super funds. By combining them into one account, you can save money on fees and simplify super management. Here's why some things are better together.
How much super do you need?
It's an essential question: how much is enough to enjoy a comfortable retirement? Planning so far ahead, especially when retirement could be years or even decades away, can be challenging. As a member, our expert team can help define your retirement goals and estimate future expenses.
How do you supercharge super?
We have one purpose: to grow your super as much as possible. From increasing contribution limits, before-tax contributions, salary sacrifice, and after-tax contributions to spouse contributions and contribution splitting learn how to grow your retirement savings and save on tax.

What about performance and fees?
Last financial year, our MySuper Balanced option reported a net return of 8.02%. It has outperformed the SuperRatings median for the past ten years to 30 June 2024*. We have a range of investment options for every type of investor, so you can choose how your money is invested and select an investment mix that suits you. Our fee structure is competitive and transparent without compromising the quality of our member services.
* Source: SuperRatings
The information in this page is of a general nature and doesn’t take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. Before deciding if legalsuper is right for you, please read the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and Target Market Determination (TMD). We encourage you to obtain personal advice from a licensed financial adviser before making any decision based on this website. Figures are related to period ending 30 June 2024 and are rounded to two decimal places. legalsuper handles information in accordance with its Privacy Policy. The relevant PDS, TMD, and Privacy Policy are available on this website. Past performance is not a guide to future performance. Legal Super Pty Ltd ABN 37 004 455 789 AFSL 246315 as the Trustee for legalsuper ABN 60 346 078 879.