Starting your claim
To start an insurance claim, you’ll need to speak to us to confirm your eligibility to claim. It’s good to be prepared to answer some difficult and sometimes personal questions. Once we’ve confirmed your eligibility to start the claims process, we will send you paperwork to complete and ask for supporting documentation to help the process run smoothly.
There is no set time-frame for how long an insurance claim takes.
What’s your waiting period?
Your waiting period starts on the later of either the date that you stopped working because of an illness or injury, or on the date a medical practitioner certifies you as unable to work due to illness or injury. You must be totally disabled for the first 14 days of your waiting period to qualify for a benefit payment.
No benefits are paid throughout the waiting period, but you can start the claims process during this time.
Paperwork – forms & supporting documents
Once you we have been informed that you wish to apply for Salary Continuance, we’ll send you forms and a list of documents which you and your doctor will need to complete and provide to us in order to commence your claim.
Some of the documents we will ask for include:
- certified identification
- a TFN declaration form
- medical reports
- evidence of your income
Submit your application
Complete the forms we send you and return them to us along with all the necessary supporting documents.
Claim assessment
The Insurer will assess your application and make a decision about whether you’re eligible to receive Salary Continuance payments. The Insurer may ask for additional information or for a progress medical report from your doctor. You may be asked to return to the doctor or a specialist in order to provide further information about your condition.
Notification of decision
You will be notified of the outcome of your claim by the Insurer.
Receiving payments
If your application is accepted, you will be paid monthly payments, in arrears, directly to your bank account. Tax may be deducted from your payment. If it is not deducted, you may be liable to pay tax when you submit your tax return.
You’ll receive a letter with each payment showing the amount paid to you and any tax that’s been deducted. At the end of the financial year you’ll receive a PAYG Payment Summary summarising the tax that’s been deducted.
While you’re getting a monthly Salary Continuance payment you won’t have to pay for the cost of Salary Continuance cover.
Ongoing eligibility
Once you start receiving payments, your progress will be reviewed at regular intervals to ensure you’re still eligible to receive payments. You and your doctor may need to complete progress reports. The Salary Continuance payments are only paid out until the end of your approved Benefit Period.

Contact us
You will need to let us know if you wish to apply for Salary Continuance by calling us on 1800 060 312. We will ask you to provide the date you last worked and the date of injury or date of diagnosis of your condition.